I have been out of the loop recently as I have been in bed, alone, bored out of my mind, and feeling worse then ever.
So in my fevered haze, I decided to do some not smart things while I was ill, and I thought by sharing them, maybe I could a. feel better about it, and b. make sure they are not repeated.
1. Watched "Nights in Rodanthe"...I was sick, in bed, delusional, and all I could think was a. why did James Franko do that movie? and, b. WHAT A HUGE WASTE OF TIME, I COULD HAVE BEEN LYING IN MY BED LOOKING AT MY CEILING!
2. Online ebay...the only thing worse then sick ebay-ing is drunk ebay-ing (*note entire Love Comes Softly series was NOT a mistake in the long run).
3. Washed my sheets. I have one set of sheets, and washing them, while you are supposed to be in bed...yeah.
4. Washed my toilet with bleach before I was done with the puking part of my illness. Used up all the bleach...kept puking.
5. Watched the entire season of "The Secret Lives of Women"...and had dreams of becoming a secret body builder with an obsession for tattoos that can not be seen. (Luckily those dreams went away with the fever).
6. Over filed my nails...almost to the point of becoming bloody stumps (not quite).
7. Tried to check my work email, only to respond "yes" to a meeting in Helsinki, that was on the very same day.
All in all, I think I was really productive. And by productive I mean, I think I need to forget that those three days ever happened.