Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Mysterious Baby Caper

Not a lot has changed in my relationship with my roommate. It’s very convenient, almost as if I live alone, except, miraculously things get cleaned up, it’s really not too bad. There is one strange thing, (well two counting the toilet paper…still an ongoing ordeal in my everyday life) every morning when I’m eating breakfast (the door to her room is in the kitchen) I hear a baby. Every morning. Now these rooms are specifically rented to singles. It was made very clear to me that under no circumstance was I to have anyone else live in my room, and the same went for everyone else in the building. Does a baby count? 1.5 people is not the same as two. You would think that if this girl had a baby, my landlord would have told me about it, if only so I would turn my music down earlier or keep my noise to a minimum when I went into the kitchen for a midnight snack. But, he never mentioned it. In addition, when my roommate does her laundry, every now and then there’s a baby tee-shirt or bib hanging up with her clothes on the drying rack.

Due to the facts presented:

A. Baby noises every day

B. Baby clothes out to hang

C. No mention of a baby by the landlord

There are only two possible explanations.

1. I’m losing my mind and there is no baby, I’m just hearing things, and my roommate likes to wear really, really small belly shirts.
2. My roommate is hiding a baby in her room and my landlord doesn’t know.

Now, both these options seem very possible to me, however as time goes by I’m really starting to lean towards number two. So what do I do? Should I mind my own business and leave it alone. I’m honestly not bothered by the baby; I have yet to hear it cry at night (although there’s some definite gurgling). Should I learn a few French sayings about babies and see how my roommate responds? (I say see, because no matter what I memorize, I will still have no idea what she says when she responds). I tried: avez-vous un bébé? Once, but I don’t know if she didn’t understand or what, because she stormed out of the kitchen without answering me. But then of course, I could always solve this case and simply ask the landlord. However, if she is in fact hiding a baby, I don’t want her to get kicked out and be homeless on the streets with a child. I would feel a little bad about that. So what to do, I’m also thinking I could get my downstairs neighbour who speaks French to sit in my kitchen with me and ask her about it if she’s around. I tried that once and we sat in the kitchen for over an hour, but my roommate never appeared.

1 comment:

Sara said...

For some reason the whole thing strikes me as terribly funny.

Having a baby of my own, I wonder how exactly one hides one? And how does one get by with a baby and only have to wash a t-shirt or two here and there - we went through multiple outfit changes EVERY DAY for the first several months.

Does she work?

I definitely wouldn't tell the landlord - a baby is a minor deal and won't hurt anyone - but how do you actually find out if she has one?

Definitely a conundrum.