Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why I dislike Fridays...

For some reason, it seems as though all the office equipment likes to start the weekend early. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about seeing if I can pop out of the office a little bit early (at Eurodad, early is before six) on Fridays for happy hour. However, if the server, the website, the printer, the copier and the newsletter host all go down on the same day, chances are I'm not getting out early. Just like today.

The IT guy was coming in today at 10, so I meander in around 9:50, in my self proclaimed "casual Friday" outfit (the boss is out of town, I'm taking advantage by not doing my ironing). I sit down and log into my computer and realize I have no mail. This is simply an impossibility as for some reason people love to send me mail around the time I'm leaving the office, so I always turn off my mail before I finish my last job so I won't be distracted and can leave at what may possibly be a reasonable hour (or at least earlier then the even more unreasonable hour that I would leave if I left my email on). So I knew something was wrong.

I had such good intentions of editing the report that was put on my desk last week and getting out the French newsletter before lunch. Alas, the server and website had other ideas. Regardless, the IT guy came for about four hours, and as he was leaving I asked what he had done and what we should do if Outlook refuses to connect to our computers again. He looks at me a little funny and says "I don't know, call me".

I try to explain the economic restraints of an NGO and how paying him a ridiculously high hourly rate once a week or so is a little out of our price range. He then did what so many Belgians do when they don't like what I'm saying; he pretended that he didn't understand English. Regardless, I was the first person in the office (yes, I came in at 9:50 and yes I was the first...I did say that the boss is out of town right?) and the last person out of the office, on a Friday.

But the evening wasn't all bad, I met up with a friend for margs and a movie (mama mia, I napped to ABBA - but PS they serve beer and wine at movie theaters here, I fell asleep before I could drink mine so I now have a can of unopened fruit beer next to my bed) and then watched the season premier of House on my computer. I'm now stress eating nutella out of the bottle and deciding if I should go to bed or make sure the French newsletter went out alright. I should probably sleep, but I will after I check up on the newsletter.

I can't WAIT to see what exciting adventures the weekend holds (SPOILER ALERT: I have plans to go to Mini Europe and the Atonium, yeah, I'm THAT exciting).

PS, if you can't get enough of my blogging here (Eric, I know you're at work reading this) you can also see the blogging I'm doing for work, if you scroll down a little on this page and click on the link called "The BetterAid Blog" I've started to write posts for that as well as it's run by Eurodad.


eshupe said...

umm, of course i'm reading this at work. i check it approximately every three minutes.

Destination: Accra said...

oh man i love the pretending not to speak English response. it seems to be the universal way to handle every inconvenient conversation - it is quite a popular tactic in ghana as well