Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I’ve been asked by quite a few people about my views on Palin, as an active Hillary lover it’s been awful seeing many compare the two simply because they share a chromosome. I respect and support Hillary for many reasons, one of which is because she is a women, however Palin’s description of herself as a “bulldog” during the Republican convention does not draw a very complimentary picture for women in politics. Do women have to be aggressive and threatening to get ahead in politics?

In addition to that it is astounding to me that a women whose 17 year old daughter is pregnant still does NOT believe in a comprehensive sex ed program. Now I don’t think we should throw condoms at high school students and tell them to jump in each others beds but “abstinence only” programs are simply not effective (point in case: Bristol Palin).

There’s also a strange arrogance that Palin carries around, she’s “pro-life/anti-choice” even in the cases of rape or incest, in addition there was also an incident when she tried to ban library books. It’s this superiority complex that really makes me fearful of a “Palin Reign”. If children go to the library to take out books, it should be the responsibility of their parents, NOT the government to censor which books are taking out. However, it seems as though Palin genuinely believes she knows better then the 'average American' (aka, you and I). She wants to make important choices in our children’s lives that we have no control over. And to me, that is very dictatorial for a democracy (republic).

The fact is, Palin may be a women, but seems to be like the scary nun that hits bad children with rulers, where Hillary seems more like the aggressive smart girl in your senior year who ran for every political office possible, and never got below an A-.

Now to be fair, Vice Presidents are not known to have the most influence or power during their administrations, (unless their names rhyme with Sick Faney and you run the administration like a puppet government through your office at the pentagon.) but with McCain’s age and cancer history one can only hope for the best and expect the worst; and in this case the worst is definitely Palin coming to power and deciding what is best for Americans. As a self proclaimed “pit bull” it would be easy to forget that while she may have won the election, the country is extremely divided. The elections are going to be very close, and if she decides what is best for all with a strong hand, when just about 50% of Americans do not agree with her policies, the Republicans may pay a very high price, but that won’t come close to what the Democrats will pay.

1 comment:

Athena said...

what happened to the comment i left on this one? was it too controversial?