Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wrapping Up

So, I have decided (as I will have no where to live), to go back to the UK at the beginning of the month and work for Eurodad from home. This is good, because I get all the perks from living at home, and I won’t be bored out of my mind, as I will have things to do for work, and I get paid and I won’t have to pay rent!

So these last couple weeks, I am busy wrapping things up in the office, and trying to finish the Fight Capital Flight campaign, and send out all the boxes by the end of the week (there are A LOT of boxes). But then my mom is coming to visit me on the 4th of Feb. and I’m going to show her around Brussels, and then she’s going to help me carry all of my stuff on the train ride home which is nice.

Therefore, this weekend is my last weekend here, so Emma and I are going to Luxembourg City (pictures to come), even though everyone we talk to tells us it is not worth visiting, I think we’re going to have a blast. I want to see the fortress.

Let me know if anyone has been there and has any suggestions about what to do! (The caves are definitely on our “to do” list as well).


Mike said...

Sounds like a good compromise on what to do. Keep us posted. :-)

Unknown said...

Hurrah says Mama - coming home before disappearing with the Peace Corp!